Formal Latter Writing || CBSE class-10th || By Pratap Sanjay sir

Formal Latter Writing for 10th Exam

CBSE Class 10 English Letter Writing

Letter writing has been an important part of the CBSE English curriculum. Students of CBSE Class 10 English Board Exam 2023 might be a tech-generation adept at instant messaging. However, the purpose of letter writing goes beyond chatting purpose. Formal letter writing is an important skill that students must learn well not just to score marks in CBSE Class 10 English board exam but also as a skill to be used in their academic and professional life ahead.

In CBSE Class 10 English syllabus 2022-23, formal letter writing is a part of the second section, section B Creative Writing, for 5 marks. It is considered as one of the most important questions of the syllabus because students can easily score the full 5 marks in this question by simply sticking to the prescribed format and a little preparation.

CBSE Class 10 English Formal Letter Writing

To score full marks there are a few things that the students must keep in mind. To help students score full marks, here are some tips and tricks for CBSE Class 10 English Formal letter writing.

Types of Letters in CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature:

  • Letter to the Editor
  • Enquiry Letter
  • Complaint Letter
  • Order Placing Letter

1. Letter to Editor

These are written with the intent to draw the public’s attention towards social or common issues through any renowned newspaper or magazine.

Specimen topics for Letter to editor:

  • Express your views on the issue of child labour/ dowry system/ unemployment/ crime against children and women/ election malpractice/ habits of smoking/ cyber safety/ problems arising due to social media addiction,/ drug addiction, and so on.
  • Express your views to draw attention to the issue of stray animals/ rash driving / potholes / over speeding by bikers, etc. in your locality or city.

2. Enquiry Letter

These letters are generally written to seek more information or clarity on topics such as curriculum or coursework of a workshop, planning a class trip, clarification on process for joining a class, etc.

Specimen Topics for Enquiry Letter:

  • Enquiring about the procedure for taking admission in a class/course.
  • Seeking more information on some public/ private schemes.
  • Enquiring full package details from a tourism company.

3. Complaint Letters:

Letters of complaint are written to report problems or file official complaints for either an individual or collective societal issue.

Specimen topics of Complaint Letters:

  • Complaint to police about a stolen / lost mobile phone, wallet, motor vehicle, bicycle, etc.
  • Complaints regarding loud noise or other inconvenience caused by neighbors, misbehave by an employee in an organization, inconvenience due to poor service at a tourist place, etc.
  • Regarding any purchased product like defective mobile phone, portable lights, digital camera, etc.
  • Regarding misbehavior of any employee or official store staff or salesperson
  • Regarding problems such as shortage of water, disruption in LPG supply, etc.

4. Topics for Inquiry:

Enquiry letters are written for placing orders i.e ordering products, books, equipment, etc.

Specimen Topics for Order Placing Letter:

  • Placing order for school uniforms or lab coats.
  • Placing order for lab instruments.
  • Placing order for more books in the school library.
  • Placing order for sports items for your school team.
  • Placing advance order for eatables in a large gathering.

CBSE Class 10 English Formal Letter Writing Format

Unlike informal letters where the format of the letter is not crucial, in formal letters, it is very important to stick to the prescribed letter writing format.

Check the format to follow while writing a CBSE Class 10 English formal letter:

  1. Sender’s address: On top left side of the page, just next to the margin, write the sender’s address/ contact details.
  2. Date: Leaving some space below, write the sender’s address, write the date..
  3. Receiver’s address: Leaving equal space as before, write the address of the recipient, after date(the Officer / Principal / Editor).
  4. Subject of the letter: Leaving some space below, Mention precisely the main purpose of the letter in 4 - 5 words.
  5. Salutation: Leaving equal space as before, mention Respected Sir / Madam (If you are aware of the gender of the recipient then use either sir or madam.)
  6. Body: Leaving another line, start the body of the letter. The body of any formal letter must be divided into 3 parts:
    • First Paragraph: Introduce who you are and the purpose of writing the letter in brief.
    • Second Paragraph: Explain what the issue is and how it impacts you or matters to you and/ or the society.
    • Third Paragraph: Conclude your letter by mentioning the conclusion or request or solution.
  7. Closing: End your letter with complimentary regards and gratitude. Use “Thanking you/ Yours faithfully/ Yours sincerely”.
  8. Sender’s name/signature and designation (if applicable)

Marking Scheme to be followed for Letter Writing Question in CBSE Class 10 English Exam 2023:

  • Format - 1
  • Content - 2
  • Organization of ideas - 1
  • Accuracy - 1

Tips to score full marks in CBSE Class 10 English Letter Writing

  • 1 mark: Strictly follow the format of the formal letter, i.e., Sender’s address, Date, Receiver’s address, Subject and Salutation/ Salutation and Subject, Letter, Complimentary close (largely accepted - Yours truly - editor & Yours sincerely - formal / business).
  • 2 marks: For body content:
    • All points included
    • Well-developed with sustained clarity
  • 1 mark: For organization of ideas:
    • Highly effective style capable of conveying the ideas convincingly with appropriate layout of a formal letter viz. addresses, salutation, subscription, and ending
    • Carefully structured content with organized paragraphing presented cohesively.
    • Highly effective register (formal tone, tense, and vocabulary), relevant and appropriate sentences for conveying the idea precisely and effectively.
  • 1 mark: Accuracy
    • Spelling, punctuation and grammar consistently/largely accurate, with occasional minor errors, that do not impede communication.

Solved Example for CBSE Class 10 English Formal Letter Writing


You are Rudra Malik, the Captain of Pragya Vidyalaya, Barra, Kanpur. You have recently noticed several posters around your school premises conveying a hazardous message:

"Lose weight in just a month!
“A WONDER DIET comes to your rescue ...
A privilege available for only a few!”

Write a letter to the Editor of The DWA, in not more than 120 words, drawing attention towards harm caused by such advertising. Propose the implementation of “Wholesome Lunch Month” in schools as an idea to address such practices, mention the advantages and share suggestions to foster healthy eating routines and develop positive body image among youngsters.


Subject: Promoting Wholesome Eating Habits in Schools

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my concern about the harmful impact of unhealthy food advertising on our youth. The constant bombardment of sugary, processed foods can lead to poor eating habits and negative body image among youngsters.

I propose the implementation of a "Wholesome Lunch Month" in schools as a solution. This initiative could promote balanced nutrition and healthy eating routines. Advantages include improved overall health, enhanced cognitive function, and reduced instances of body image issues.

To foster these habits, schools should organize educational workshops, offer nutritious meal options, and engage students in meal planning. By taking these steps, we can cultivate a generation of youngsters who make informed, healthy choices.


[Your Name]

English Grammar.pdf

by Pratap Sanjay Sir