CBSE NCERT Revision Notes for Class 10
By Pratap Sanjay Sir
Welcome to Class 10 NCERT Revision Notes
➥ Our experts have prepared these detailed NCERT Revision Notes for Class 10 to help you with exam preparation. These notes are based on the latest CBSE pattern and cover all important points and terms for each subject.
Revision Notes for Class 10 Maths
- Chapter 1: Real Numbers
- Chapter 2: Polynomials
- Chapter 3: Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
- Chapter 4: Quadratic Equations
- Chapter 5: Arithmetic Progressions
- Chapter 6: Triangles
- Chapter 7: Coordinate Geometry
- Chapter 8: Introduction to Trigonometry
- Chapter 9: Some Applications of Trigonometry
- Chapter 10: Circles
- Chapter 11: Areas Related to Circles
- Chapter 12: Surface Areas and Volumes
- Chapter 13: Statistics
- Chapter 14: Probability
Revision Notes for Class 10 Science
- Chapter 1: Chemical Reactions and Equations
- Chapter 2: Acids, Bases and Salts
- Chapter 3: Metals and Non-metals
- Chapter 4: Carbon and its Compounds
- Chapter 5: Life Processes
- Chapter 6: Control and Coordination
- Chapter 7: How do Organisms Reproduce
- Chapter 8: Heredity
- Chapter 9: Light- Reflection and Refraction
- Chapter 10: Human Eye and Colourful World
- Chapter 11: Electricity
- Chapter 12: Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
- Chapter 13: Our Environment
Revision Notes for Class 10 English
Revision Notes for Class 10 English
1. First Flight
A. Prose-
Chapter 1: A Letter to God
- A Letter to God - G.L. Fuentes
- Dust of Snow - Robert Frost
- Fire and Ice - Robert Frost
Chapter 2: Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
- Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom - Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
- A Tiger in the Zoo - Leslie Norris
Chapter 3: Two Stories About Flying
- His First Flight - Liam O’ Flaherty
- Black Aeroplane - Frederick Forsyth
- How to Tell Wild Animals - Carolyn Wells
- The Ball Poem - John Berryman
Chapter 4: From the Diary of Anne Frank
- From the Diary of Anne Frank - Anne Frank
- Amanda! - Robin Klein
Chapter 5: Glimpses of India
- A Baker from Goa - Lucio Rodrigues
- Coorg - Lokesh Abrol
- Tea from Assam - Arup Kumar Datta
- The Trees - Adrienne Rich
Chapter 6: Mijbil the Otter
- Mijbil the Otter - Gavin Maxwell
- Fog - Carl Sandburg
Chapter 7: Madam Rides the Bus
- Madam Rides the Bus - Vallikkannan
- The Tale of Custard the Dragon - Ogden Nash
Chapter 8: The Sermon at Benares
- The Sermon at Benares
- For Anne Gregory - William Butler Yeats
Chapter 9: The Proposal
- The Proposal - Anton Chekov
B. Poems
- Chapter 1: Dust of Snow - Robert Frost
- Chapter 2: Fire and Ice - Robert Frost
- Chapter 3: A Tiger in the Zoo - Leslie Norris
- Chapter 4: How to Tell Wild Animals - Carolyn Wells
- Chapter 5: The Ball Poem - John Berryman
- Chapter 6: Amanda! - Robin Klein
- Chapter 7: The Trees - Adrienne Rich
- Chapter 8: Fog - Carl Sandburg
- Chapter 9: The Tale of Custard the Dragon - Ogden Nash
- Chapter 10: For Anne Gregory - William Butler Yeats
2. Footprints without Feet
- Chapter 1: A Triumph of Surgery - James Herriot
- Chapter 2: The Thief’s Story - Ruskin Bond
- Chapter 3: The Midnight Visitor - Robert Arthur
- Chapter 4: A Question of Trust - Victor Canning
- Chapter 5: Footprints without Feet - H.G. Wells
- Chapter 6: The Making of a Scientist - Robert W. Peterson
- Chapter 7: The Necklace - Guy de Maupassant
- Chapter 8: Bholi - K.A. Abbas
- Chapter 9: The Book That Saved the Earth - Claire Boiko
Revision Notes for Class 10 Hindi
Revision Notes for Class 10 Hindi
➥ Hindi subject is divided into two courses. A student has to opt for a course depending upon availability. Course A has two textbooks, Kshitiz and Kritika. Kshitij-2 has a total of 12 chapters and Kritika has only five compositions. Course B has also two textbooks, Sparsh and Sanchyan. Sparsh textbook has a total of seventeen chapters while Sanchyan contains three chapters.
Course A
Revision Notes for Class 10 Hindi Kshitij-2 (हिंदी क्षितिज-2)
Kavya Khand (काव्य खंड)
- Chapter 1: पद - सूरदास
- Chapter 2: राम-लक्ष्मण-परशुराम संवाद - तुलसीदास
- Chapter 3: आत्मकथ्य - जयशंकर प्रसाद
- Chapter 4: उत्साह और अट नहीं रही - सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी निराला
- Chapter 5: यह दंतुरहित मुस्कान और फसल - नागार्जुन
- Chapter 6: संगतकार - मंगलेश डबराल
Gadh Khand (गद्य खंड)
- Chapter 7: नेताजी का चश्मा - स्वयं प्रकाश
- Chapter 8: बालगोबिन भगत - रामवृक्ष बेनीपुरी
- Chapter 9: लखनवी अंदाज़ - यशपाल
- Chapter 10: एक कहानी यह भी - मन्नू भंडारी
- Chapter 11: नौबतखाने में इबादत - यतींद्र मिश्र
- Chapter 12: संस्कृति - भदंत आनंद कौसल्यायन
Revision Notes for Class 10 Hindi Kritika (कृतिका भाग-2)
- Chapter 1: माता का आँचल - शिवपूजन सहाय
- Chapter 2: साना-साना हाथ जोड़ि - जयशंकर प्रसाद
- Chapter 3: मैं क्यों लिखता हूँ? - हरिवंश राय बच्चन
Revision Notes for Class 10 Hindi Grammar (हिदी व्याकरण-10th)
Course B
Revision Notes for Class 10 Hindi Sparsh (स्पर्श भाग-2)
पद्य खंड (Pad Khand)
- Chapter 1: साखी - कबीर
- Chapter 2: पद - मीरा बाई
- Chapter 3: मनुष्यता - मैथिलीशरण गुप्त
- Chapter 4: पर्वत प्रदेश में पावस - सुमित्रानंदन पंत
- Chapter 5: तोप - वीरेन डंगवाल
- Chapter 6: कर चले हम फ़िदा - कैफ़ी आज़मी
- Chapter 7: आत्मत्राण - रवीन्द्रनाथ ठाकुर
गद्य खंड (Gadh Khand)
- Chapter 8: बड़े भाई साहब - मुंशी प्रेमचंद
- Chapter 9: डायरी का एक पन्ना - सीताराम सेकसरिया
- Chapter 10: तताँरा-वामीरो कथा - लीलाधर मंडलोई
- Chapter 11: तीसरी कसम के शिल्पकार शैलेंद्र - प्रहलाद अग्रवाल
- Chapter 12: अब कहाँ दूसरे के दुख से दुखी होने वाले - नीदा फ्राजली
- Chapter 13: पतझर में टूटी पत्तियाँ : (I) गिन्नी कस सोना, (II) झेन की देन - रवींद्र केलेकर
- Chapter 14: कारतूस - हबीब तनवीर
Revision Notes for Class 10 Hindi Sanchayan (संचयन भाग-2)
Revision Notes for Class 10 Computer
Revision Notes for Class 10 Applications
➥ There are a total of 6 chapters in the Applications textbook for Class 10. These chapters focus on practical applications of ICT concepts. Our experts have prepared Class 10 Revision Notes for Applications to assist students in grasping the applied aspects of their studies.
- Chapter 1: Web Applications
- Chapter 2: Word Processing Applications
- Chapter 3: Spreadsheet Applications
- Chapter 4: Database Applications
- Chapter 5: Digital Presentation
- Chapter 6: Project Management Software
Revision Notes for Class 10 IT (402)
➥ There are a total of 5 chapters in the IT textbook for Class 10. These chapters cover both theoretical and practical aspects of Information Technology. Our experts have prepared Class 10 Revision Notes for IT (402) to help students understand the material efficiently.
Revision Notes for Class 10 Social Science